Nov 7, 2012

More knitted lace tablecloth goodness

I've been going through my nearly-finished projects, weaving in the ends and so on. Here's some knitted lace tablecloths I've recently finished and blocked.

These two are both made with Novita Kotiväki yarn and 2,5 circular needle, approx 50 cm across. The second one actually is blue, and not black acting in a weird way with flash. 


Here I have two made with the same pattern, which actually is one of my favorites to knit. The first one is Novita Kotiväki in Pellava, 2,5 circular needle. I actually have just finished another one with this same yarn and pattern, that just needs blocking.

  This second one pictured here is made with some random yarn, which is probably linen. It's too thin to be meant for knitting, but I doubled it and used a 2,5 circular needle, and really like the result.

Sep 5, 2012

DIY Earring rack

I love earrings.

The problem I have been having is that I have too many, and just end up using the same ones all the time, as they are visible and easily accessible instead of being put away in a jewel box or something.

So I took a picture frame, covered it in pretty fabric, added some strings for hanging the earrings and on a whim put on some nails for my favorite necklaces.

Problem solved!
And I got a nice piece of decoration at the same time. 

Aug 29, 2012

Knitted lace tablecloth

Here's one of my recently finished knitting projects. I love knitting lace, and I've actually made a few similar to this one. I have some really nice patterns for this kind of things. I made this with Novita Kotiväki yarn and a circular needle 2,5. It's about 50cm across.

Aug 28, 2012

Tube scarf

Here's a knitting project I've finished lately. It's a tube scarf made from scrap yarn I had lying around. I used a really easy but nice looking web lace pattern and was quite happy with the result.

I gave it to my friend as she happened to like it a lot :) Here she is wearing it.

Jan 23, 2012

Toe up knee high socks

So I finished another project, my first toe up socks!

For the toe and heel I used this pattern and it worked really well. The yarn is Novita Polku in the shade Porkkana, and I just love it! The great thing about this yarn is, that it's really thin, and makes woollen (73% wool) socks that are thin enough to wear with your normal sized shoes, but of course much warmer than your average sock. And the colors are delicious!

I also made a simple spiralling pattern to make it more interesting :)

 Now I'm starting on the next knitwork, simple toe up socks from Novita Polku. I think this shade is called Mustajuuri. I've already lost the tags of the skein, so can't say for sure.

Jan 22, 2012

Wild Rose -Mittens

 Some time ago my mom bought me this diy-mittens kit from a craft fair, and I finally finished them!

 The box contained the yarn needed along with pattern notes and instructions.
And here are the finished mittens!

I haven't tried this sort of multicolored knitting in years and never with a complex pattern like this, but it was fun and I think the result looks very nice.

Jan 20, 2012

Hello people on the Internet!

My name is Annika, and I'm hooked on knitting, baking, cooking and all sorts of stuff. For a long time I've been thinking that I need someone to share the results of these addictions with, and now I've decided to share them with you guys.

I have to say, I'm notorious for starting a project and never finishing, but I hope blogging will help me with that (or not... we'll see!).  I will be writing mainly about past, present and future knitting projects, along with some sewing and craft things, kitchen mishaps and the occasional style or hair update. I think I will mainly be writing in English to revive my rusty language skills, but there might be an occasional post in Finnish if I'm feeling lazy and/or tired. 

Hope you will enjoy my ramblings!

PS. My cactus blossomed!