Jan 20, 2012

Hello people on the Internet!

My name is Annika, and I'm hooked on knitting, baking, cooking and all sorts of stuff. For a long time I've been thinking that I need someone to share the results of these addictions with, and now I've decided to share them with you guys.

I have to say, I'm notorious for starting a project and never finishing, but I hope blogging will help me with that (or not... we'll see!).  I will be writing mainly about past, present and future knitting projects, along with some sewing and craft things, kitchen mishaps and the occasional style or hair update. I think I will mainly be writing in English to revive my rusty language skills, but there might be an occasional post in Finnish if I'm feeling lazy and/or tired. 

Hope you will enjoy my ramblings!

PS. My cactus blossomed!

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